How To Remove Dark Circles Under Eyes Permanently
How To Remove Dark Circles Under Eyes Permanently

How To Remove Dark Circles Under Eyes Permanently

Imagine how hard it would be to wake up to Dark Circle every morning. And concealing it every day on a busy day is yet another big task!

A famous Celebrity Cosmetic Dermatologist and founder of Kosmo derma Clinics & Skin Q claims Indian Women are more prone to Dark circles because of Bone structure and Pigmentation factors. The Indian bone structure deteriorates faster and gives a hollow illusion causing darker under eyes. In addition, Indian skin has more melanin when exposed to Sunlight causes damage and Under eye Pigmentation. In addition to this, The American Academy of Dermatology says around 60% of the world’s population (both men and women) experience Dark circles.

Isn’t it ALARMING??

Yes, it is!!!

Let’s dive deep into it and discover what are the causes and permanent solutions for Dark Circle.

Causes for Dark Circle:

Though a dark circle is a common issue faced by everyone, it mainly affects older people, with a genetic history, and people with darker skin tones.

Here are a few other causes for dark circles:

  • Lack of sleep
  • Longer screen time
  • Ageing factor which results in collagen depreciation and Pigmentation
  • Iron deficiency
  • Sinusitis pressure due to excessive cold
  • Overexposure to sunlight and UV damage
  • Thyroid trouble
  • Reduction of fatty tissues around the eyes
  • Certain medications and allergies

Though these factors may be terrifying, undergoing medical treatments, following home remedies along with a proper skincare routine and a hygienic lifestyle may give permanent relief from Dark Circle.


Medical treatments for Dark circles:


There are many treatments available and it varies according to the color of the dark circles.

Blue: Poor Blood circulation caused by lack of sleep, stress

Brownish tone: Pigmentation due to Sun damage, ageing, Genetics

Blackish tone: Sagging of skin caused due to ageing.


Based on the intensity and causes the dermatologist may suggest to you any of the below methods for a permanent solution for dark circles.

Laser treatment:

In this heat energy is used to deteriorate the damaged skin cells. This also helps in collagen formation under eyes. This is mainly done to treat dark circles caused due to Pigmentation and Poor Blood circulation.

Chemical peel:

In this method a chemical solution made of Glycolic acid, retinoic acid or hydroquinone is used. It exfoliates your upper skin layer revealing the original skin underneath. It is very effective on dark circles caused due to Pigmentation.



Hyaluronic based derma fillers are injected under eyes to increase the volume. It is mainly done for dark circles caused due to thinning of skin around eyes and collagen deprivation.

Home Remedies for Dark circles:

The above said medical treatments are very effective. But if your budget doesn’t allow you, then you may try any of the effective ways to remove dark circles at home.

Sharing you some DIY remedies for dark circles under eyes.

Aloe vera cold compress:

Aloe leaves rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin E help to hydrate the skin around the eyes. It also helps to lighten the pigmented skin and boosts blood circulation.

Method: Peel off the gel like structure from Aloe leaves and refrigerate it. Place this cool gel part on your eyes and relax for 30 minutes.

Coffee peppercorn eye mask:

Coffee contains caffeine – Natural skin toner along with Pepper increases blood flow under eyes clearing eye puffiness and dark circles.



  1. Mix 1tsp of Coffee powder, a pinch pepper powder and 1tsp coconut oil together.
  2. Apply this paste on your eyes and leave it for 20 minutes.
  3. Wash off with cold water.

Fenugreek paste mask:

Fenugreek seeds Rich in Vitamin K and Vitamin C boosts collagen production and helps in lightening areas around eyes.



  1. Soak 1tsp Fenugreek in hot water overnight. (Next day make it to fine paste.
  2. Don’t discard the water and make use of that to grind it to a smooth paste.)
  3. Apply this around your eyes and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash off.

Skincare routine and lifestyle changes to get rid of Dark circles Permanently:

Though these Medical treatments can give good results, you need to follow certain skincare routines and maintain a proper lifestyle to get dark circles free eyes life-long.

Eye creams: Eye creams with effective ingredients like Anti-oxidants, retinol, caffeine, and vitamin K help to get rid of dark circles Permanently by inducing collagen production, reducing Pigmentation and constricting blood vessels.

Kumkumadi Tailam is one of the best choices to cure dark circles permanently. The key ingredient Saffron known as the Red gold of Indian Ayurveda is the secret behind its success.

Get Rid of Dark Circles Naturally & Quickly! Say Goodbye to Dark Circles with Araah Kumkumadi Eye Cream


Choose our Araah Skin Miracle Kumkumadi Eye cream – India’s first Eye cream powered with Kumkumadi Serum. This effectively cures dark circles, Eye lid Pigmentation, crows feet, and puffiness making this the best choice. Other ingredients like Amla, Green tea, Pomegranate seed oil, and Watermelon seed oil added to our eye cream make it the best permanent solution for dark circles.

Eye mask: This is one of the important routines to prevent dark circles due to Sagging skin and puffiness.

Eye masks are made with skin lightening and cooling ingredients which can provide immediate results.


Mandatory Lifestyle changes: You need a regular and proper lifestyle to remove dark circles.

1) Undisturbed sleep for 8 hours daily

2) Drink a minimum of 2.5 to 3 litres of water daily

3) Reducing the intake of Sodium rich food

4) Avoid smoking, alcohol, caffeine-based drinks

5) Wear Sunscreen regularly

6) Workout enough to stay fit

7) Intake omega-3, Anti-oxidants and Vitamin C rich foods

Though Dark circle is one of the major skin issues, you don’t have to panic or worry about it. By following proper treatment, routine and Healthy life changes you can effectively get rid of dark circles.

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